Hello! I Am Ressu Go, a ninja school dropout turned streamer.

I play games that are more on the competitive side, but I am very much open to other genres.

I am also an artist!


My streams will feature playing games with VTubers and well as friends from the city.

I will also hold art streams!


Ever since I met the Operator, I've been working with them to stream video from my apartment to your world.

It's sorta been rough not having much direction after I found that the path of a ninja was not for me...

Truth be told, I don't know what the future holds from here but, I know one thing is sure, however.

I hope to make your, as well as others' day better, even if just a little bit through what I do.

Thank you.


What is the Ressuverse?

Ressu streams from a universe separate from our own.

Ressu lives in the snowy city of Kazahana, a sprawling, yet claustrophobic city on an island away from the mainland.

Every person in their universe takes slight features of an animal, features which are passed on hereditarily.

How does ninja society work in Kazahana?

Ninjas are an unspoken constant here. They all train their ranks in secret, but every single resident knows of them and their influence within Kazahana itself and abroad.

Most ninja schools start fully inducting their young into offical classes during the last two years of high school, graduating them to fully fledged Shinobi sometime during their college years.

Obviously, becoming a ninja is not the only occupation that youth in the city can seek, but many see it as the most reliable form of employment, security, and status.

As such, enrolling in an academy is seen as the best option by many students and would be considered the status quo.

There are many options that ninja can take after graduating to Shinobi, but most work as agents of their own schools, performing jobs for people in the area.

Alternatively, people can hire themselves off in the city and abroad as solo agents, but many who take this path may do so as to take jobs that are less than legal, to say the least. The only issue is that, solo Shinobi are in demand, and employers pay very handsomely.

What does the general public think of ninjas?

Again, becoming a ninja in Kazahana gives you innate status in society. If associated with a local school, most see you in a good light as many trust schools to regulate the actions of their own members. Many high-profile Shinobi are seen as genuine pillars of the community.

Solo agents are almost exclusively seen as thugs or criminals, even if not explicit, the expectation is that if you cannot be regulated under a school, you are working solo for a reason.

What hand do ninja schools have in politics?

Between schools, there is a silent, but controlled tension regarding territory.

The government of the city has moved toward becoming a mediating force between all the schools.

As a result, most displays of deadly conflict between schools have ceased, and it is hoped that this peace will continue for many years to come.

Otherwise, schools attempt to stay neutral on most legislative issues regarding the entire city, as every school has agreed that attempting to do so would only serve as an extension of the bloody conflict that happened several years in the past.

Solo agents hired by whatever group are another matter, however.


Ressu has made some friends from his time in the academy, not all ninjas, mind you. All of these people are from Kazahana, meaning they are from Ressu's universe.


Sei's Twitter

Sei and Ressu are childhood friends. However, Ressu's wish to become a shinobi led the two toward different paths in life, leading to them attending different high schools and falling out of touch.

The next time the two met up was during college; Ressu had to complete a ninja assignment that ended up being related to the metaphysical. The owl knew Sei as someone who was very engrossed in the paranormal when they were younger, leading Ressu to seek the crow out.

After a sudden reunion at Sei's university, she begrudgingly lent her help for the sake of helping out an old friend. The crow promptly exorcised the spirit inhabiting the cutlery set, completing Ressu's assignment.

Unfortunately, it led to Ressu taking several more spirit-related assignments. Ressu would start dragging Sei out of her fortune telling shop to help more people with their paranormal issues.

...Sei actually detests dealing with spirits as a result of her natural affinity for seeing ghosts and the dead. She has been afflicted with this condition since childhood.

FUN FACT: Sei's kanzashi was a gift from Ressu as thanks for her work on their first joint paranormal case (the cutlery assignment).

Omen, Krone, and Goose

Omen's Twitter

Goose's Twitter

Omen and Krone are ninjas from a different academy. Goose is the team's animal assistant.

Omen is very chill raccoon, usually playing the straight man to the bat, Krone's, delusions of grandeur. Goose prudently follows the duo and may actually be the brains of the team.

Ressu met them initially during a inter-academy event.

Omen was especially tired of dealing with Krone that day, and she needed someone else to come to lunch with them or else she'd do something she couldn't take back; regardless, the group became fast friends.


Keishi's Twitter

Keishi is a young ferret, and aspiring shinobi. The thing is... he lives in an area of the city that doesn't have a ninja school...

They met during one of Ressu's last missions. Humoring Keishi, Ressu took him along for the ride; he just had to look for a runaway pet.

After the mission, Keishi overloaded Ressu with questions about how it was being a ninja, and what did he do to get there, and what kind of techniques he could do, and how many people he saved, and..!

At this time Ressu was already making his mind up about officially dropping out of the ninja program. Over time, the owl learned that oftentimes, being a ninja truly wasn't about what was doing what was right or good.

Despite this, Ressu didn't have the heart to tell his junior to not pursue his dream.

There would need to be more ninjas like Kei in the world, and so, he still keeps in touch with him to see how his journey is going.


Anzu's Twitter

Anzu is the owner of the local Hatsuyuki bakery and a very close friend to Ressu.

Anzu was an underclassman at the same academy Ressu attended. In her case, she was on track to entering college and becoming a kunochi out of obligation, but dropped out to run a bakery after the reputation she had made for herself during her formative years.

During her time in high school, she often made sweets and baked goods for fundraisers and her friends. Over her time, her food became so renowned, that even students from the surrounding schools would flock to her bake sales.

After Ressu's graduation, they still kept in close contact. After missions, and Anzu got her bakery running, he would oftentimes visit her to see how she was doing.

...As for why they became close friends, Ressu never would turn down free food. No, it's not because Ressu is an owl and that she's a rat.

FUN FACT: Total fangirl for a lot of things... and really bad at hiding it.


Hana is a barn owl who assists Ressu with the alerts for his stream... and graphic design.

Ressu first met her at the academy, as she was assigned to be Ressu's partner animal.

Even after Ressu dropped out of his academy, Hana decided to stay with Ressu to look out for him.

She has a good heart, but she is a bit shy.

The Operator

Not much is known about the Operator, except for the fact Ressu is in a partnership with them that lets him stream to this universe.

Ressu explains that the relationship he and The Operator have as a rough equivalent to the "mamas" and "papas" that other VStreamers have.


Thank you so much to these people with their help with bringing Ressu's stream to life!


Ressu Main Icon - 5010/Kei

5010/Kei's Twitter

Ressu Full Body - Lennople

Lennople's Twitter

Twitter Banner Art - Wolv

Wolv's Twitter

Ressu Chibi Icon - Xiaociiao

Xiao's Twitter


Stream theme - AkiTone

akiTone's Twitter

Pre-stream Theme - PNK NSTY Studios

Message Ressu for contact information!


Live2D Model Assets, Live2D Rigging, Stream Overlay - Ressu and The Operator

Message Ressu if you have any questions!